Traditional Braces

Traditional Orthodontics

Traditional Orthodontics does a great job of moving teeth within the bones. It also recognizes and modifies bony discrepancies when there is an obvious dental cross-bite or significant class II mal-occlusion. However, the reality is that VERY RARELY are muscles discussed as part of the orthodontic treatment plan.
Traditional orthodontics typically uses metal wires and braces for around two years to straighten and align the teeth. Afterwards, a retainer is recommended to be worn FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE to keep the teeth aligned.
When treating crowded teeth, and other forms of malocclusion, it is important to address the delicate balance between bones, teeth, and muscles. In order for the teeth to remain stable following orthodontic treatment, there must be a systemic balance between these three. If this systemic balance is not discussed and planned for AT THE BEGINNING of orthodontic treatment, final outcomes and long term stability may suffer.
Myofunctional Orthodontics
Myofunctional orthodontics recognizes that most malocclusions and bony deficiencies / discrepancies are primarily CAUSED by muscles acting improperly. If we treat the teeth and bones, but neglect the muscles, then there CANNOT be balance in the system and it is VERY likely that the teeth will relapse in time.
When the muscles of the jaw, both inside and outside the mouth, are balanced with the teeth and bones, the teeth should remain in proper positions after completion of any tooth movement as the MUSCLES will act as the retainer for the future.
Myofunctional orthodontics uses muscle training and functional appliances to balance the bones and muscles. When the muscles and bones are in balance, the teeth will naturally drift toward their ideal position. This leads to the final phase of the orthodontic treatment, which is typically achieved in a much shorter time frame compared with traditional orthodontics. This can often be achieved with clear aligners alone. (Traditional wires and brackets can be used as well, still in a fraction of the time it takes with traditional orthodontics).
Our Treatments
Oral Appliance
Offering the latesting in dental arch expansion and tooth alignment from Vivos Therapeutics®. The DNA device is pain free, force free, and removable. - Similar to traditional retainer - Worn 12 to 16 hours per day - approximately 24 month treatment length - Permanent arch expansion even in adults - Customized for your dental anatomy
Offering clear aligners or "invisable braces" through Invisalign®. A series of customized trays changed every 7 to 10 days. - Removeable - Hygenic - Easy to use - Transparent
Offering traditional wire braces. These braces are able to accomplish more challenging cases. - Sturdy - Consistent - Customizable - Reliable - Shorter treatment time
Patient Reviews & Success

This 7-year-old male patient saw an almost complete reversal of his class III severe underbite in just 12 months using ONLY the Vivos guides which promoted and redirected his upper jaw growth to proper alignment. His teeth followed and shifted into more ideal spacing along with his upper jaw. This patient will continue to progress through the guide series and myofunctional therapy throughout development and will likely never need braces, a retainer, a palatal expander, or surgery for the upper jaw underdevelopment or malocclusion he came to us with. We can do the same for you!

Myofunctional Therapy
an exercised based treatment which involves correcting dysfunction in the mouth (tongue placement, breathing, chewing and swallowing).
goal is to repair dysfunctional breathing, chewing and speaking behaviors which contribute to negative health consequences (like sleep apnea, fatigue, digestive problems, postural problems, etc.).
Myofunctional therapy is a key component and should be performed at the onset of treatment in order to get the BEST outcome.